It is the time for me to reveal the complete and utter neurotic that is me.
My jaw kinda hurts a little and after poking and prodding at it for an hour I think I feel a lump. Actually, when I roll my head around, just as my chin touches my chest I feel it. Do I have cancer? Will I die today? What will my kids call my husband's new and much younger wife?
My own Mother can vouch for the fact that I can literally turn a pimple into a cancerous and deadly object within 5 minutes. Between the internet and various health books I have here in my sweet little home. I am dangerous. I feel a pain and I must know what organ it is. What could happen to me? Can they take it out? Can I live without it?
My dear sweet hubby had a pain in his chest last week. After doing my "usual"research I had him diagnosed with a hiatal hernea. Where are our wills? Is everything together if something happens to one, or, both of us?
When I was pregnant, it was the worst. I would call my poor Mom at work with questions like : "Mom, if the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, would I know it?" "Can the baby kick ME too hard and hurt me?" "Can I dilate without pain and the baby fall out of my body as I am cooking dinner?"
Yeah, it's bad.
There is way too much information on the internet for people like me.
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