Saturday, August 26, 2006

3:30am inspiration call

A few years ago, when I was single and living in my own apartment, I had what I think was a "spiritual moment". I was awakened at about 3:30 in the morning to the feeling that someone was there with me and had called my name. I also smelled this intense, flowery perfume like scent, which was comforting to me. Anyone that knows me well would at first think that I would have been frightened, but oddly enough, I was not. I felt safe. I then had the strongest urge to just let down my guard and "go with the flow" as you might say. I got out of bed and got dressed, grabbed my camera and drove down to the beach. Yes, 3:30 in the morning, on a very cold winter night I was headed to beach. I didn't know why, I just felt like I had to go.

When I arrived there, I parked the car and just sat with my thoughts for a minute. What the hell am I doing here? - that kept popping up in my head, but I turned it off long enough to just find the answer in the silent cold air. I got out and started taking pictures. Pictures of the snow on the sand, the moon on the water, and then finally, the sun beginning to rise. I couldn't wait to get those pictures developed, as those were the days before I got a digital camera, or, really even knew how to use a computer. I never felt as inspired to do anything as I did that night.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I was flipping the TV channels and ran across an episode of Montel Williams whose guest that day was Silvia Brown. She is a psychic, for anyone who has not heard of her, and she was explaining the idea of a "spirit guide" to a member of the audience. It seems that spirit guides usually visit at the same time each day ( or night). I really think that whatever I experienced that night was my spirit guide, I just wish I understood now what I was being told. Maybe just to let go and trust? Maybe to look for things out of the ordinary, perhaps a beach in the wintertime? Or maybe, I just needed to learn to be by myself and enjoy the sunrise. There are times even now, that if I am awakened at 3:30 in the morning, or am already up with one of my babies that I try to be still and listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PA says Perhaps your "spirit guide" is just encouraging you to "let go and let God." There are times when I will wake up during the night and talk to God and also talk to my mother. I also must tell you that I think you are going to be a writer because of your special talent to describe particular situations.