Monday, April 02, 2007

chew it good!

There I was, sitting on the couch with my warm, freshly bathed little girl, reading, for the 27th time this week good 'ole Green Eggs & Ham. I was just about out of breath from reading it, trying to sound like a cool mom making funny voices and everything, when my little one turned her head to watch her father sit on the other couch. I stopped reading and she didn't even notice. She did, however notice the apple that hubby slyly held in his further hand, thinking he had escaped "the grub". As if I was a steaming plate of liver and onions, she jumped away from me to climb right over to daddy, her face right square up to his "I wamt some." I watched from across the room, daddy and daughter, sharing an apple, smiling at each other. As he sliced his own little piece and placed it in his mouth, darling little Sarah said to her daddy "chew it good!" and then proceeded to make sure he knew this every time he took a bite. Yes, every time.

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