Friday, May 11, 2007

just bitchin..

Tony Blair is stepping down. Our own government needs an installment plan to pay for the War in Iraq. Now, we not only worry about our mental health, but that of our pets, do they need massage as much as we do?? The world is a wacky place. Unknown people such as me can post their own opinions online for all to see, and yet some feel that our own press is being bullied into not showing or speaking about the horrors of war overseas. Paris Hilton gets more media time than the needs of our education system, or the fact that autism rates are drastically high in our country right now. There are many homeless people in towns all around us, needing some hope, and yet, I can hardly get a smile or a "good morning" from the cashier at the supermarket ( who is lucky to have a job, whether they like or not). People complain about high gas prices, and yet love to drive their monster Navigator's all over town. Our children have a serious obesity problem and I actually read that this is the first time in history that our children's life expectancy is shorter than our own. Something has to give.

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