Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Morning Monster Madness

This silly computer again! I woke up nice and early this morning due to the baby needing to be nursed. After finishing with his business, I got dressed and proceeded to come downstairs to work out. The CD-ROM on my computer is not detecting any disks it seems (which I have never had a problem with before) and I spent what felt like ages fiddling with it when I truly have no clue what I am doing. After a few minutes of that nonsense, I picked my behind up off the nice comfy chair to work out for a little while. I am really not that great with computers and I am not wanting to spend any free time (uh, what is that anyways??) futzing with this monster. Perhaps I should just ignore the problem, ya know, the way hubby ignores his dirty socks balled up on the floor? Just walk right by and pretend the problem does not even exist. Problem with that - it's my computer- not hubby's, so the only person troubled is me. So I figure I will Google some info later tonight while drinking my evening tea and try to figure it out.

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