Wednesday, April 15, 2009

no yelling by 12pm...

Life always seems to throw in it's two sense just when you think you have it all figured out. Here I was, working out, eating great - gluten-free definately seems the way to go for me! I was feeling good and taking care of myself and I really felt like I was moving forward. I even felt a little bit more patience with the kiddies (yes, I hear Hubby chuckling at that one!) Anyhoo, I had it down pat. Then, both kids came down with that stomach-puking-and-coming-out-the-other-end thing, as well as dear Hubby getting sick too. I think I have never done so much laundry EVER, and that is just what needed to be done right away! I am still catching up with everything else. So, no gym for momma for a week, no trainer, no planned meals - just eating on the run, or from running from sick child to sick child, then to laundry room. As I hit the gym today, my awesome trainer Francine noticed I was not hitting it as hard as I could. Normally when I get to "that point", the point where I would probably stop on my own, but have her to help me push through, I usually start to laugh a little nervous laughter. Today, I wanted to cry and throw up. So strange the way our bodies deal with stress. Afterward, I felt that "I needed that!" goodness and can now go on with the rest of the day feeling that I accomplished something.

And no, I didn't puke.

Crying on the other hand will probably come later tonight when I can finally settle in and just gather my thoughts. Parenting, really putting them first can be tiring. And duh! why shouldn't it be? Sometimes though, I wonder if I am cut out for this - 4 year old Sarah hits her brother (3 yrs old), I tell her to go to her room to cool down - she shouts "NNNOOO!!" and then tells me to go to my room!! I walk over and tell her that she will spend longer in there if I have to carry her
there myself. She yells, but goes. She continues to scream while in her room for 15 minutes, then asks if she can come out. I politely tell her that her "Time Out" has not yet begun, that the timer will be set when she cools down first. Do you think she liked this? She yelled and screamed and I called Hubby for some backup- am I doing something wrong? I am trying not to yell or REACT. She needs to learn that people will listen when she is calm and not yelling. He assures me that this seems to be a better way than the Yell-First-Ask-Later route I usually take. Eventually, she did calm down and I went into her room, gave her hug and told her she could come out.

The thing is, do they learn? Or, is this a dance that we will do for how many more years to come?
As for right now, she tired herself out into a nap and I can watch my this morning's recorded episode of "The View".

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