Wednesday, May 27, 2009

garden life

In order for most of my garden things to grow I have to really pay attention - every day. Water, I usually forget, especially on the really hot days. Miracle Grow, well, just recently did I find that it really helps your flowers when you feed them the right things. What about sunlight? Some need it, alot. Some, not so much.

So it is with the kids. I see that "feeding" them with praise really does a hell of a lot more good than just picking out what is wrong. Preparing them before you go out with the rules and expectations helps them know the boundaries. Taking the time every day to have some special moment with them reminds me so much of why we chose to have a family, as opposed to clicking on the tv and expecting them to figure their way through the day on their own.

Self improvement books? Certainly don't need them anymore - kids are the perfect mirror for all your ill behaviors. Sarah's freak outs when she doesn't get her way -totally me. JR's stubborness- yeah, I'll take credit for that too. Really makes you take a look at yourself and fix some little things before jumping all over them about it. I mean, they do learn as we do, and Hubby and I are definately learning as we go.

so for now, we'll water and feed the garden, and patiently wait for our little family to bloom.

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