Monday, March 02, 2009

time me out

WE got hit with a snow storm last night, which we usually don't end up with, so we are excited. Hubby is out plowing snow since midnight and I had all intentions to get out and start clearing out the driveway so he has someplace to put his truck when he gets home later. Sarah happily began the process of dressing for the cold. JR was playing with her little handheld Leapster game, that's when I pried it out of his hands and realized he had peed through his diaper onto the couch - that's 1. As I stripped him down to change him, then proceeded to clean the couch he threw such a fit and went into an asthma attack - that's 2. He wanted nothing to do with the rescue inhaler so I had to pull out the nebulizer and sit with him for a breathing treatment.

Now the kids are hungry.

I pull out some applesauce, cinnamon toast and their soy milk. When they finish up I need to clean up.

Now I'm hungry and grab an apple and some peanut butter.

At this point they simply prefer to stay in and play Wii. What?? So I jump on Facebook to see who's on, check emails and that sort of thing. I settle in with my green tea ready to mindlessly web around. Wait- what's that? Now they want to go out - that's 3- Momma needs a time out.

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