Tuesday, April 08, 2008

the "not so super" market

I just put the kids in for a nap, and although it is a little earlier than normal, I am enjoying the quiet.

This morning we ventured out to do some food shopping before Sarah had ballet class and early enough that the store wouldn't be crowded. Well, her "listening ears" were apparantly left home, because all the yelling I did was not enough. She ran, she stomped, she knocked things off the shelves, she pulled things off deli cases that I don't think were supposed to come apart. I threatened her with not going to ballet, no change in her attitude. Then when we got home, she went to find her ballet shoes, "No, we are not going today, you did not earn the privilege". The tantrum that ensued was monstrous, and although it would have been much easier to just take her to class, I knew that it would not be a lesson learned. So Momma needed to quick change her attitude, explain again why we were not going and let little Sarah deal with the consequences.

There are times I am prepared for those meltdown moments (the kids, not mine). That's when I can pull a toy or crayon or something magical out of my bag and change the direction of whatever is happening. No screaming or yelling, no threats. This was not today. Then there are times, like this morning, when I am trying to order cold cuts, contain both kids, and make sure that the supermarket stays in one piece. You know how we sware we won't be like out parents and be more understanding, blah blah blah.. Sorry Mom, you're awesome, but I remember how I looked at you when you were yelling and what I thought was "mean". Now, I'm the lunatic.

Oh, and you can always tell who the people are in the store who's children are all grown up, you know, the ones that see your child acting up and they just smile, that smile of "Ha ha, it's YOUR turn now."

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