Thursday, July 26, 2007

take the wheel

For so long now I have let my children set the mood of the day. If Sarah is tired and cranky, I end up cranky and yelling. If JR is squirmy and not his usual happy self at that same time, well, Momma just tends to throw in the towel. Cook me, I'm done. I realize that my reaction to this wee toddler is what sets the tone, not her oh-so-normal outbursts of unrestraint and spitfire energy.

I am the adult.
Me, I am the one in charge, not her.

Yeah, easy to think of after the fact, but when at the public pool and the baby is tired but fighting sleep and Sarah is also too tired to even think of controlling herself I tend to lose it. Here I was, two tired kids, only 1 hour into the thing and I was already packing it up. In the moment, I knew that it was better to just get them home then to fight with her. Once we got to the potty, did our business, went to the car where I changed the baby and was on our way I was assured from the kick to the back of my seat that I had made the right decision. We made it through the drive-through at Mickey D's and before I knew it they were both asleep. Quiet.

Yes, I can turn off those drasted Wiggles...
sorry guys.

I made it home and ate my salad with the kids sound asleep in the car (parked nicely in the garage within earshot) and that was a good salad. Maybe because I actually ate it while the chicken was still warm, or maybe because I got to eat slowly and enjoy every little bite. Either way, I guess there are times when you just know that it is better judgement and not throwing in the towel to make a quick getaway and who knows, you may even get to eat your lunch in peace.

Now I just hope that our new friend who is now pregnant with her second child doesn't get scared away from the craziness that can be a playdate with us.

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